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February 20, 2025

Basic Education Certificate Examination: Nature Of God JHS 1 Objective Questions

Welcome to your Basic Education Certificate Examination: Nature Of God JHS 1 Objective Questions

1. Which of the following best describes the nature of God?

2. What is the primary characteristic of God’s omnipotence?

3. God’s omnipresence means:

4. Which of the following does not describe God’s omniscience?

5. God’s eternity means:

6. God is described as all-good, which refers to:

7. Which of the following is a key attribute of God's nature?

8. What is the nature of God’s holiness?

9. The term "God is spirit" means:

10. Which of the following describes the nature of God as revealed in creation?

11. God’s justice means:

12. Which of the following describes God’s nature regarding time?

13. What does it mean to say God is transcendent?

14. Which attribute of God shows His infinite power to do all things?

15. God’s goodness is best seen in:

16. Which of the following is a description of God’s mercy?

17. God’s immanence refers to:

18. Which of these describes God’s nature as seen in His relationship with people?

19. God’s righteousness means:

20. God’s sovereignty means:

21. Which is a key characteristic of God’s nature in the Bible?

22. Which of the following is not an attribute of God?

23. Which of the following represents God’s infinite knowledge?

24. God’s faithfulness means:

25. The Bible teaches that God is:

26. God's love for humanity is best demonstrated by:

27. Which of the following statements about God is true?

28. Which of the following best explains God’s justice?

29. God’s immutability means:

30. Which of the following best describes God’s transcendence?

31. God's omnipotence means He can:

32. God’s omnipresence means He:

33. God’s omniscience means:

34. Which of the following best explains God's mercy?

35. Which of the following is a characteristic of God’s nature in the Bible?

36. What does it mean to say that God is sovereign?

37. Which of the following best describes the relationship between God and creation?

38. God's righteousness is reflected in:

39. God is described as "immutable," meaning:

40. Which of the following best describes God's relationship with humanity?

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