Welcome to your Basic Education Certificate Examination: Career Technology 2024 Past Objective Questions
1. Select the benefit of using digital tools for freehand drawing.
2. Maame intends to make 1,000 yards of batik for one of her customers. Select the most suitable resist material she would use for the work.
3. Read the scenario below carefully and use it to answer question below An artist wants to decorate a plain T-shirt for a friend .The artist made a cut-out motifs from a fabric and stitched onto the plain T-shirt to create a stylized design.Which of the following techniques is employed by the artist in decorating the T-shirt?
4. Read the scenario below carefully and use it to answer question below. An artist wants to decorate a plain T-shirt for a friend.The artist made a cut-out motifs from a fabric and stitched onto the plain T-shirt to create a stylized design. Select the statement that explains the reason for decorating the T-shirt.
5. Amadu, in an attempt to make his still-life drawing look real used parallel lines to depict the tones. This suggests that his shading is based on
6. A school employed a professional dancer to train its learners on new dance movements for an upcoming dance competition.The technical name for the professional dancer is
7. The fur on a dog can be associated with which of these statements?
8. Select the statement that describes a plot.
9. In composting a piece of music, Emma decides to use chord I due to the soh in it. Select another chord that she can use apart from the chord I.
10. Adjawa is inspired by nature to draw trees in her sketchbook. How would she effectively depict the texture of the tree bark?
11. Identify the number of quavers that make a semibreve.
12. The Creative Art teacher of Kaison International School took the class to the school park for sightseeing. After discussing the natural and manmade things around the school, the teacher then tasked learners to associate the things observed to elements of design. Select the natural things that the learners can associate with the element dot.
13. The Fante people of Ghana are noted for displaying variety of dances during occasions. Among such dances include
14. The learners of Kaison International School visited a gallery to be educated on techniques used by artists in producing artworks.Assemblage is among the techniques adopted in producing the artworks displayed.As one of the learners, identify the main characteristics of the assemblage works displayed.
15. Which of the following notes is the fourth degree of a piece of music being performed in the key of A flat major?
16. Akosua wants to use the mass shading techniques to render a two-dimensional drawing solid. Identify the most appropriate type of pencil for the task.
17. Bɔbɔɔbɔ is a traditional dance performed by the Ewe people of Ghana. Select the primary importance of this dance.
18. Red, yellow, green and black are colours used in the flag of Ghana. The colour yellow symbolizes
19. The Atsiagbeko dance of the Ewe people of Ghana is said to be a
20. At what point should a designer share a prototype with a client for feedback?
21. Which of the following statements are true about Dance and Drama? I. They educate and entertain audience II. Both have elements III. They have no characters IV. Both are taught in schools
22. Read the scenario below carefully and use it to answer the question below "The Agbo Women" political party has 800,000 delegates. The party intends to print clothes for their upcoming rally. Yellow, Blue and Black are the colours for the political party. Identify the appropriate printing method to be used in printing the clothes for the delegates.
23. Read the scenario below carefully and use it to answer the question below "The Agbo Women" political party has 800,000 delegates. The party intends to print clothes for their upcoming rally. Yellow, Blue and Black are the colours for the political party. Select the number of screens to be developed in printing the clothes.
24. Read the scenario below carefully and use it to answer the question below "The Agbo Women" political party has 800,000 delegates. The party intends to print clothes for their upcoming rally. Yellow, Blue and Black are the colours for the political party. Which of the following colours of the political party would be printed first?
25. Tim decides to design a pattern for his school's Friday wear. Identify the set of principles of design he would use.
26. Select the moral lesson from the lyrics Mani mmere wo mpaboa no in the song "Kwaku Ananse" by Amerado
27. In designing a poster for a musical festival, which of the following lines would an artist use to depict energy and movement?
28. Anny wants his music to have three sections, with the last section sounding same as the first section. Select the form of music he would choose.
29. Which of the following is a technique for creating drama?
30. In weaving a stole for graduation, Johny uses warp and weft yarns. For every new weft yarn he inserts into the shed, he beats to the
31. In designing a school bag, the role of working drawing is to
32. Select the set of musical instruments that are mostly used for traditional ensembles.
33. The Creative art teacher mounted different artworks in the classroom for the learners to appreciate them. What activity are the learners expected to do?
34. The school choir of Kromkrom D/A JHS, performed the "Hallelujah Chorus" at the end of the year graduation ceremony. Which category of music can this rendition be associated with?
35. Identify the statement that best describes an art exhibition.
36. A group called "Young Stars" of Kromkrom D/A JHS wants to create a skit to educate learners about the importance of proper handwashing. Identify the most effective way to convey their message to learners.
37. A quarter note is placed on the 4th line of the staff. Its stem will be drawn
38. The famous Ablade Glover wants to paint a scene from a Ghanaian market. Which of the following techniques, is he likely to use?
39. An artist creates series of paintings that tell a story. The artist style of painting is associated with
40. Which of these artists makes paintings of marine animals and their environment?