Welcome to your Basic Education Certificate Examination: Religious And Moral Education 2023 Past Objective Questions
1. The observance of puberty rites ensures the following except
2. Fajr is an Islamic prayer which is said at
3. Which of the following behaviours is not forbidden in traditional society?
4. Golgotha was the place where Jesus Christ
5. Removing one's hat when greeting an elderly person constitutes
6. Which of the following attributes is possessed by one who respects the view of others?
7. The purpose of libation in Traditional Religion is to
8. The burial of the dead without a coffin teaches the Muslim to
9. The offer of baskets by some traditional believers to baby girls during naming ceremonies is meant to teach the child
10. Which of the following persons is not mentioned in the Qur'an as the recipient of Zakat? The
11. Which of the following life patterns is expected of Christians?
12. The Bible contains words of inspiration from
13. The following activities are marriage procedures in Islam except
14. Which of the following is a positive value that can be learnt from festivals?
15. In Christian Religion, the Eucharist stands for
16. Washing dirty clothes in streams causes
17. Rites of passage refer to the ceremonies performed to mark
18. To lead a chaste life means one has to
19. Traditional believers and Christians make use of religious songs because such songs help in
20. Which of the following items is not a basic need for man's survival?
21. The declaration of faith (Kalimatus Shahadah) is important in Islam because it
22. Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall
23. The main form of prayer in Tradition Religion is through
24. Traditional worshippers believe that the world was created by
25. Decent dressing and good eating habits show
26. A person who relates well in the family is the one who
27. Obedience is expected of all humankind because it is God's
28. The wearing of wedding rings by couples after marriage is a sign of
29. The gospels in the Bible describe the
30. Which of the Ten Commandments preserves the life of human beings? The
31. Immoral life style must be avoided because they lead to the following situations except
32. Idleness can be associated with
33. Being polite in speech or action is a sign of
34. Which of the following behaviours does not constitute good manners?
35. Polygamy is allowed in Islam on the condition that the man
36. Which of following virtues can be learnt from the life stories of Joseph?
37. And who is my neighbour? Jesus answered this question with the parable of the
38. In Islam, the Omnipotence of Allah describes His
39. The main aim of a reward is to
40. Folktales are important because they