Welcome to your Basic Education Certificate Examination:Belief In God JHS Objective Questions
1. What is the definition of belief in God?
2. In which religion is God referred to as “Allah”?
3. Who is believed to be the Son of God in Christianity?
4. The concept of God as all-knowing is called:
5. Which attribute means that God is present everywhere?
6. What is the Christian belief in God as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit called?
7. In African Traditional Religions, who is the Supreme Being?
8. What is the significance of faith in God in a believer’s life?
9. Which of the following is NOT a way of expressing belief in God?
10. The belief in one God is called:
11. Which of the following does the Islamic religion emphasize about God?
12. Which of these statements best describes the nature of God in Christianity?
13. God is considered the Creator of all things in which religion?
14. Which of the following is a key feature of the Christian view of God?
15. How do Christians express their belief in God?
16. Which is the main source of knowledge about God in Christianity?
17. What is the significance of the concept of God being “Immutability”?
18. In Islamic belief, what is the most important concept about God?
19. Who is considered the last prophet in Islam?
20. Which attribute of God means that He is all-powerful?
21. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of God in Christian belief?
22. Who is the first person to have believed in God in the Christian faith?
23. Which of the following actions expresses belief in God?
24. What does the word "faith" mean in relation to belief in God?
25. Which of these is the Islamic holy book?
26. Which concept does Christianity and Islam have in common about God?
27. In African Traditional Religion, who does the supreme God often work through?
28. What is the role of a prophet in religion?
29. What does the term "Tawhid" refer to in Islam?
30. In which religion is the concept of the Trinity emphasized?